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مروان ساهر 11-27-2015 03:26 PM

برنامج عمل الشروحات والدروس العملاق Adobe FrameMaker 2015 13.0.2
Adobe FrameMaker 2015 13.0.2



Adobe FrameMaker (2015 release) is a complete solution for bidirectional technical documentation. Publish natively across mobile devices, formats, and platforms, and author with best-in-class XML/DITA support. Collaborate seamlessly with experts, and manage content using integration with leading CMSs.

Adobe FrameMaker 2015 Features:
- Leverage support for Arabic and Hebrew
- Publish to mobile devices in multiple formats
- Experience best-in-class XML authoring
- Work smarter, accomplish more


الساعة الآن 03:24 PM.

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