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قديم 03-23-2016, 01:23 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
مروان ساهر
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي تطبيق العملاق للتعديل على الصور باحترافية Photo Studio PRO v1.24.1 للاندرويد

Photo Studio PRO v1.24.1 APK

Photo Studio is a powerful all-in-one image processing application for photographers of any level. It contains basic and precise tools that provide multiple ways of retouching your images. Turn your photos into masterpiece using a wide variety of effects, filters, color and text tools, frames, enhancement features and more.

Main features
• 150+ unique filters in categories: Lomo, Vintage, Simple tone, Black & White, Old Style, Cold tones, Warm tones and Art.
• 200+ amazing special effects: shadow, fabric, akvarel, rust, frames, scratch, light, fire, water, heart, brush, noise and many more.
• Artistic filters Sketch and Watercolor enable you to turn pics into beautiful works of art.
• Picframes helps you combine multiple photos into amazing looking frames with 100 adjustable templates in Classic and Art categories, adjustable borders, frames, corners and backgrounds.
• Powerful collage making tool for creating free-form collages.
• Color Splash FX with filters: decolor, colorize or recolor your shots.
• About 50 free stickers and about 1000+ stickers in additional packs by categories Animals, Romance, Plans, Monsters, Food and many more.
• Magic Tools contains: Auto-Levels, Sharpening, Area-Auto-Levels, Blurring and Red-Eyes correction.
• Clone Stamp tool – easily choose and reproduce particular areas of your image. A must-have photo retouching tool.
• Lens Boost – get an amazing vignette effect with circle and linear (Tilt Shift) lens.
• Customizable text labels.
• Apply set of beautiful digital frames to your photos. Available packs: Holiday Frames, Christmas Frames, Summer Frames and Valentines Day frames. You can download and try all frames for FREE.
• Rich set of photo enhancement tools: adjust color, brightness, contrast, hues, saturation, apply round and linear masks, selective color adjustment.
• Base transform operations: resize, rotate and crop.
• Action Sets: collect interesting operations into action sets and apply them again to new photos.
• Apply several operations to one photo: you can edit a photo and apply all features and effects to one photo at the same time.
• Use photos from your gallery or from Camera.
• Save the result in formats: Small, Normal, Large and Original. Save images in JPEG and PNG.
• Photo Studio PRO includes all unlocked packs, tools and features.

Additional information

Updated March 4, 2016
Installs 100,000 - 500,000
Current Version 1.24.1
Size 31MB
Requires Android A 2.3.3 and up
Offered By KVADGroup










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