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قديم 09-21-2015, 08:41 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
مروان ساهر
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي برنامج لتشغيل ملفات ISO و الأقراص DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced is the best product for optical media emulation. It lets you create disc images or edit existing ones with easy tool – Image Editor. Run it directly from DAEMON Tools or Windows Explorer. Create images of MP3, APE, FLAC audio discs, data discs and others. Edit files that image contains, manage and burn images with only one powerful application – DAEMON Tools Pro! Use full DAEMON Tools Pro functionality: create images using preset profiles, make necessary changes to image data if needed, compress data, split image files, protect your image information, burn to CD/DVD, emulate not only CD/DVD but also HD DVD and Blu-ray drives. Plus get even more virtual CD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray drives.

With DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced you have ability to create 32 SCSI virtual devices. Only DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced has a special feature for advanced users – possibility to emulate not only 32 SCSI but also up to 4 IDE virtual devices.

DAEMON Tools Pro is an advanced application for Microsoft Windows which provides one of the best optical media emulation in the industry. With DAEMON Tools you can back up your physical CD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray discs into “virtual discsâ€‌ or so called “disc imageâ€‌ files, which run directly on your hard drive. You can also work with images created by other burning programs! DAEMON Tools supports variety of image types. Use CD/DVD image converter to have one format images in your Image Catalog! A virtual disc has much better access rates than a physical one in a corresponding physical drive because the reading speed of a virtual CD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray-ROM is 50x faster compared to normal drive. With DAEMON Tools you would receive up to 32 virtual SCSI drives and 2 virtual IDE drives that behave just like the “realâ€‌ physical ones. DAEMON Tools enables you to use your CD/DVD images as if they were already burned to CD/DVD.

DAEMON Tools Pro Standard is a CD / DVD / HD DVD & BluRay emulation software which allows users to make CD / DVD / HD DVD / BluRay disc images, creates virtual CD / DVD / HD DVD / BluRay drives and plays CDs / DVDs / HD DVDs & BluRays without the need for the physical disc. DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced is a CD / DVD / HD DVD & BluRay emulation software which allows users to make CD / DVD / HD DVD / BluRay disc images, creates virtual CD / DVD / HD DVD / BluRay drives and plays CDs / DVDs / HD DVDs & BluRays without the need for the physical disc and supports virtual IDE adapters.

- DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced enables you to create up to 32 virtual drives, allowing you to run your CD / DVD / HD DVD / BluRay images at over hundreds times faster than from a conventional physical drive.

- DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced supports more CD / DVD / HD DVD / BluRay image types than any other Disk emulator! It is able to emulate nearly all CD / DVD / HD DVD / BluRay image types on the market today. Your original CD / DVD / HD DVD / BluRay discs can be safely stored away; DAEMON Tools Pro Images mean that you always have your expensive media stored safely on your Hard Drive for instant retrieval at the click of a button. No more searching for the correct disc or software application install disc, everything is at your finger tips.

- DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced enables you simultaneously use your CD / DVD / HD DVD / BluRay as an image and bring up your route planner written on another physical drive, without having to eject and reload any physical discs. The 32 virtual drives ability of DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced means you can have the equivalent of 32 physical Drives in your Home PC all accessible simply and quickly running your Disc image at hundreds times faster than that of a conventional CD-ROM drive. If you need a program or CD it is immediately there – always ready to use!

- DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced at the office:
Program discs and many other applications generally require the original Disc to be in the computers physical drive, this restricts the amount of people in your office who can have access to the same software at the same time without the cost of additional discs, DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced virtual drives resolves that problem for you. No more hunting around the offices for that elusive disc you need to run your application, every thing you require is just a click












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برنامج لتشغيل ملفات ISO و الأقراص DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced مروان ساهر الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية 0 02-14-2015 06:04 PM
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برنامج لتشغيل ملفات ISO و الأقراص على حاسبك DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced مروان ساهر الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية 0 11-24-2014 04:34 PM

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