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قديم 12-01-2014, 03:13 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
مروان ساهر
مميز ذهبي
عضو لديه أكثر من 400 مشاركةعضو لديه أكثر من 400 مشاركةعضو لديه أكثر من 400 مشاركةعضو لديه أكثر من 400 مشاركة

التسجيل: Nov 2014
العضوية: 1522
المشاركات: 2,698 [+]
بمعدل : 0.71 يوميا
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي برنامج لتحميل الخلفيات للأندرويد Wallpaper Changer v3.8

Wallpaper Changer v3.8

This app allows you to quickly change your wallpaper with one single click on a widget!
Additionally, you can enable a timer to automatically change your wallpaper on a predefined time.
Images can easily be added to the rotation list by using the Android Gallery app or a file manager like FileExpert.

This app is optimized for battery life & performence, so it might take some seconds to actually change the wallpaper after a click on the widget!

• Easily add images or even folders through the Android gallery & other file managers
• Change wallpaper with a timer, on each lockscreen unlock or through a customizable widget
• 3 widgets: change to next wallpaper in rotation list, select the wallpaper you want to see or change the album* with one click
• Ordered rotation or random list
• Very low memory and battery consumption
• No ads

Notice an increase in mobile data usage while using the app? The app itself has no INTERNET permission and therefore does not download or upload anything. However, when using the Android backup feature, the system might upload your wallpaper everytime it changes. In this case, please use the live wallpaper provided with the app to avoid that.

The current Android versions do not provide any API to change the lockscreen wallpaper. It depends on your ROM if your lockscreen wallpaper also changes when the home screen wallpaper changes.

* Organizing your images in different albums requires purchasing the "albums feature" through an in-app payment.

SET_WALLPAPER - no comment
RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - needed to start auto rotation after reboot
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - needed to save cropped wallpapers & widget images
BILLING - for in-app buying of premium features

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