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قديم 08-24-2016, 10:20 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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عضو لديه أكثر من 300 مشاركةعضو لديه أكثر من 300 مشاركةعضو لديه أكثر من 300 مشاركة

التسجيل: Aug 2016
العضوية: 2746
المشاركات: 303 [+]
بمعدل : 0.10 يوميا
اخر زياره : [+]
missyou غير متواجد حالياً
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي Digital Film Tools Power Stroke 1.1v3 CE

Digital Film Tools Power Stroke 1.1v3 CE | 30 Mb
Digital Film Tools: Power Stroke AE - Designed with the creative workflow of colorists, film/video editors, graphic designers and artists in mind, Power Stroke introduces a simple, interactive stroke-based workflow to quickly and intuitively perform targeted adjustments.

Instead of meticulously drawing exact masks, using inaccurate matte extractions or hand painting frame to frame, regions of interest are isolated by drawing a few simple and loose After Effects open or closed masks. Power Stroke then uses the concepts of luminance-weighted chrominance blending and fast intrinsic distance computations to determine the edges of your target area and adjustments are made only in those areas. Masks can be assigned multiple corrections and effects such as color correction, recoloring or desaturation, colorization of black and white images, blur, fill light for dimly lit image areas and diffusion/glow.

Based on the concepts of luminance-weighted chrominance blending and fast intrinsic distance computations, Power Stroke produces high-quality results at a fraction of the complexity and computational cost of previous techniques. At long last, gestural selection and image adjustment have been combined into one natural, fast and easy process.

System requirements:
- Adobe Photoshop CS5 and above
- Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 and above
- Photoshop Lightroom 3 and above
- After Effects CS5 and up
- Premiere Pro CS5 and above

Whats New :

Adobe CC 2015 Installer Compatibility
The 1.1V2 installers will automatically find Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 and After Effects CC 2015.

Download link:
Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction

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الساعة الآن 07:33 AM.

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