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قديم 01-11-2015, 05:52 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي تطبيق Dolphin Browser Express v11.3.6 Android لتصفح الأنترنت وبمميزات رائعة

Dolphin Browser Express v11.3.6

Dolphin Express supports Russia, Turkey, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam and the Philippines.

Dolphin for Android makes mobile browsing easy, surfing the web with a personalized home screen, voice and gesture control.
#1 Mobile Web Browser on Android Market
Over 100,000,000 downloads on Android and iOS
With lightning fast speed, Dolphin for Android provides you the best experience to browse and search the web. Download Dolphin Android Browser for free to surf the web with exclusive features of your very own mobile browser.

From Users
“Best browser for an Android phone: This browser offers a fast, smooth web browsing. I recommend this browser for all!â€‌ – Aziz Al-Haji

In the Press
Dolphin Browsers Gestures and sidebars make web surfing fast, intuitive and fun while on the go. - USA Today
“…its a great, simple browser that feels more at home on a touchscreen device than pretty much anything else youll try.â€‌ – Lifehacker

Dolphin is my browser.
News – Real-time local news updates
Gesture - Access the web by creating a personal Gesture (symbol) to you use the most.
Sonar – Dolphin for Android listens and lets you use your voice to search, share on your favorite social networks, bookmark favorite website and navigate.
One-tap Share - Tweet, Post to Facebook, grab any content and share them, or save it directly to Evernote or Box.
Tabbed browsing - No need to toggle between screens, tabbed browsing lets you browse as if you are on desktop.
Add-on – Beef up your mobile Internet browser experience by installing the Add-ons for the tasks you need at your fingertips. With more than 60 and counting, Dolphin Add-ons enables any action to be done right within the mobile browser. You can check out the Add-on features with 3 preloaded on your right Sidebar.
Dolphin Connect - Sync history, bookmarks, passwords and open tabs easily across Android, iPhone, iPad and desktop browsers including Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
Home Screen – Add most visited websites as speed dials to your home screen. And organized them easily with one touch access.
Theme – Customize theme colors, wallpapers and skins to make Dolphin your own
Web App Store - The all-new Dolphin web app store offers access to the most popular web sites so you never have to leave the browser. Choose from over 200 web apps, including Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, Amazon and more.
Send to device: Send links, maps, phone numbers, & more from your desktop to your phone and vice versa with Dolphin for Androids Chrome, Firefox and Safari extensions.**
WiFi Broadcast - Share links with friends nearby on your wifi network.

Note: For Android 4.3 & 4.4 devices, Dolphin Jetpack is now included within Dolphin Browser for Android. Users could manually uninstall previously installed Dolphin Jetpack.

***Download Dolphin extensions and send web pages between your mobile and desktop:
We love hearing from you. Contact us at support@dolphin.com and rate us today!
Join Dolphin Facebook Fan page: http://www.facebook.com/DolphinFans
Follow Dolphin on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/DolphinBrowser
Website: www.dolphin.com

Some additional features that you can add to your Dolphin for Android by installing add-ons:
l Web to PDF
l Dolphin screen cut
l Browser Faster for Dolphin
l Dolphin Translate
l Dolphin Reader
l Dolphin Battery Saver
l Bookmarks Widget
l Dolphin Brightness
l Dolphin Tab Reload
l Dolphin Show IP
l Dolphin Ultimate Flag
l Dolphin: Pocket Add-on
l Dolphin Whols
l Dolphin: Dropbox Add-on
l Dolphin Alexa Rank
l Xmarks for Dolphin


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