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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي DMSoft DBSync for Oracle and Postgre SQL 1.1.8

DMSoft DBSync for Oracle and PostgreSQL 1.1.8 | 42.1 Mb
DBConvert for Oracle and MySQL is a database conversion tool that accomplishes fast and accurate two-way migration from MySQL to Oracle server and in opposite direction. The tool is also appropriate for database migration between MySQL databases and Oracle databases.

Oracle to MySQL, MySQL Dump, PHP Script
MySQL to Oracle, MySQL Dump, PHP Script
DBConvert for Access & Oracle
DBConvert for MS Access and Oracle is a two-way migration tool converting Access to Oracle and vice versa:
Access to Oracle, Oracle Dump
Oracle to MS Access
Oracle to Oracle Dump
DBConvert for Oracle & MSSQL
DBConvert for Oracle and MSSQL migration tool converts data from MSSQL to Oracle and vice versa. Migration to SQL Azure is available as well. In case your hosting provider restricts direct access to your MS SQL database you can save data into a dump file to overcome server restrictions.
Oracle to MS SQL, MS SQL Dump
MSSQL to Oracle, MS SQL Dump
Oracle views to MS SQL views
MS SQL views to Oracle views
Oracle to SQL Azure and vice versa
DBConvert for Oracle & SQlite
DBConvert for Oracle and SQLite is an effective data migration tool performing two-way conversion from SQLite to Oracle and in opposite direction. Like other tools, DBConvert for Oracle and SQLite provides a lot of features such as speed conversion with Bulk and Quantization support, global and specific field mapping, notification of probable conversion errors, filters for conditional data migration, etc.
SQLite to Oracle, Oracle Dump
Oracle to SQLite, Oracle Dump
DBConvert for Oracle & PostgreSQL
DBConvert for Oracle and PostgreSQL is a program for the fastest data conversion between Oracle server and PostgreSQL databases. In case you need to bypass the problems with direct connection to PostgreSQL, you can use Dump files and PHP scripts as a target.
Oracle to PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL Dump, PHP Script
PostgreSQL to Oracle
DMSoft DBSync for Oracle.
DBSync for Oracle & MySQL
DBSync for Oracle and MySQL is a reliable database synchronizing solution that allows to get Oracle replicated to MySQL and inversely. Moreover, the tool is applicable for data sync between two Oracle databases. Or both source and destination nodes may be connected to MySQL Servers
Oracle to MySQL
MySQL to Oracle
DBSync for Access & Oracle
DBSync for MS Access and Oracle is a dependable two-way database synchronizer for quick and accurate database synchronization from:
Access to Oracle
Oracle to Access
DBSync for Oracle & MSSQL
DBSync for Oracle and MSSQL dependably and rapidly synchronizes your database from MSSQL to Oracle server and reversely. The tool provides the ability to synchronize your databases using three sync types: drop, insert, and update.
MSSQL to Oracle
Oracle to MS SQL
Oracle to SQL Azure
SQL Azure to Oracle
DBSync for Oracle & SQlite
DBSync for Oracle and SQLite is an effective sync application that provides easy and convenient way to synchronize data from SQLite to Oracle and inversely.
SQLite to Oracle
Oracle to SQLite
DBSync for Oracle & PostgreSQL
DBSync for Oracle and PostgreSQL is a comprehensive database synchronization tool which enables you to quickly and accurately replicate your databases between:

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Download link:
Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction

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DMSoft DBConvert for Oracle and PostgreSQL.1.1.6 missyou الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية 0 08-25-2016 10:37 PM

الساعة الآن 05:39 AM.

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