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حفظ البيانات .. ؟

هل نسيت كلمة السر .. ؟
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قديم 06-24-2016, 07:50 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
مروان ساهر
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي برنامج تحديث التعريفات ReviverSoft Driver Reviver احدث إصدار

ReviverSoft Driver Reviver

Driver Reviver is an industry leading PC driver update utility that will help you update your computer drivers in a few easy clicks! Driver Reviver uses one of the largest and most comprehensive Driver Database available. It ensures that it will always find the most recent drivers for your PC and other hardware devices. This program will scan your PC to identify out of date and obsolete drivers. Driver Reviver can quickly and easily update the out-of-date drivers using original manufacturer drivers to restore optimum performance to your PC and its hardware. It will maximize the functionality and life of your PC and its devices. Driver Reviver is unbelievably easy and quick to use and includes safety features like automatic backups, restore wizard, exclusions, scheduler and more to keep your computer in good shape.

Hardware Drivers are essential software applications that enable devices, which are connected to your PC, to communicate with your operating system and other software on your computer. These Drivers allow your software to access the full functionality and feature set available for each piece of hardware connected to your computer.

As both your operating system and the software applications running on your PC are updated, new Drivers are needed to ensure that your hardware can remain fully functional within its new environment. Many manufacturers do not contact you to advise that a new Driver has been released for your hardware. You therefore might be unaware that new, updated Drivers are available for your system, and you may be missing out on some additional new functionality, features or security patches for your system.

Ensures your PC hardware is performing at optimum levels
By keeping your drivers updated, you are ensuring that you continue receiving updates containing bug fixes, performance improvements, and potential new features from the manufacturer.

Eliminates the risk of downloading a faulty or infected driver
Installing the wrong Driver or malware could render your PC inoperable and potentially put you at risk. Driver Reviver ensures accurate detection and consistently delivers the correct drivers.

Saves you time
It can take numerous hours to track down each Driver for each single piece of hardware connected to your PC. Driver Reviver accomplishes this in minutes through a quick scan and update process.








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تنزيل برنامج البحث عن التعريفات Driver Reviver مجاني fawzi سوق مميــــز العـــام 0 06-23-2015 06:24 PM
برنامج Driver Reviver للبحث عن تعريفات جهازك وحفظها اخر أصدار حمادة بدر الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية 0 03-09-2015 12:31 AM
برنامج البحث عن التعريفات وحفظها على الجهاز Driver Reviver مروان ساهر الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية 0 12-09-2014 09:29 PM

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