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قديم 08-24-2016, 11:26 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي Franzis HDR Projects Elements 4.41.02511 (MacOSX)

Franzis HDR Projects Elements 4.41.02511 (Mac OS X) | 114.7 MB
HDR projects 4 The latest stage of the HDR technology. This is magic. Start with complete light information. Once you have seen HDR images, normal images will just seem boring. HDR projects 4 enables you to generate very precise lighting situations that are not possible with normal photography or photo editing. The newest process for super realistic images with unbeatable contrast and detail that you have never seen before!

HDR photography reigns world wide as the only photography technique that really captures all image information. No camera sensor in the world can keep up with HDR it is and remains a physical fact!

For a decade, Franzis HDR program has guaranteed perfect application of this fascinating technique. As a leader in HDR technology, Franzis also offers the newest highlight in HDR photography: Ultra HDR the world premiere of this component of HDR projects 4. Your images will become even more realistic, the colours even more brilliant, the details even more pronounced and the atmosphere even more enticing.

THE KEY: Just seconds after uploading your original image, HDR projects 4 presents you with 82 versions of your photo. Thats 82 ideas, 82 tips, 82 sources of Inspiration Every image is individually analysed and with the best possible effects, no example is like any other.

But be careful: HDR is addictive
Once you have seen HDR images, normal images will just seem boring. Just like an artist, HDR projects 4 enables you to generate very precise lighting situations that are not possible with normal photography or photo editing. The human eyes range of contrast is far superior to that of a digital camera. Theres a technology behind HDR which compensates for this deficiency. You can finally experience photography with realistic expression.

Throughout all the magic, HDR projects 4 remains the program for every photographer because of its easy accessibility. HDR projects processes photo files from every possible photo source and transforms the result into a masterpiece be it an individual image or a bracketing series, taken with or without a tripod, a simple JPEG, a scanned image or a high-res RAW file.

- Ultra HDR technology
- Advanced RAW features
- Interactive ghosting removal
- Max. number of images in an exposure series
- Restore image series
- HDR algorithms
- RAW mode
- Post-processing effects

Video Quick-Tipps: get to know the new Features HDR projects 4 selective editing
One of HDR projects 4 most impressive features is the ability to edit selectivly. Brand new! Geometric or with a brush with intelligent, edge recognizing capabilities: In HDR projects 4 you can now selectively edit specific areas of your photo. Its that easy!

- Your advantage: Perfect integration in your personal workflow
- NEW! 7 New Effects: Noise removal color clouds, Noise removal banding, exposure curve, rim light distribution, white and black correction, color gradients, aura
- NEW! Algorithm Browser: Makes the HDR-Algorithm visible and assessable Your advantage: No more guesswork youll see how changes effect your photo immediately!
- NEW! History-Browser: HDR projects never forgets, no work will be lost.No step in your workflow will be lost!
- NEW! Expansion of the RAW-Module for white & black correction and additional noise removal methods
- NEW! Selective Editing for Every Post-processing Effect. Each area of your photo can be edited with the effect that is best fitting!
- NEW! Sensitive Selecting for 7 Effects with intelligent brushes and automatic edge recognition: Dodge, Burn, Saturation, Desaturation, Increase Detail, Decrease Detail, Sharpen
- New! Fast-Optimization-Assistant: Set the image look with just one click. Your Advantage: The name says it all: Fast Optimization!
- New! Up to 10 Times Faster: shorter waiting times while editing, even with large image series. Time is money, not only for professional photographers
- New! Photo Cropping. Your Advantage: All photo editing steps in one program

System requirements: Mac OS X (10.7 and higher), 64 bit, Intel
Language: Multilingual

Download link:
Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction

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