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قديم 07-19-2013, 10:31 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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التسجيل: Jul 2013
العضوية: 748
المشاركات: 2 [+]
بمعدل : 0.00 يوميا
اخر زياره : [+]
منافذ التجار غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : BlackBerry
06 Fs: Original Blackberry Porsche Design Gold/ Samsung Galaxy S4 - Add BB Pin: 2195F37A

[SIZE="<font><font>3</font></font>"]Al-Malak Tradings Offers Promotional sales on some latest smartphones and electronics gadgets

Ramadan Promotional sales: Buy 2 units & get 1 unit free

Add BB Pin (bbm chat#): 2195F37A

Below latest smartphones are available for units and retail Purchase:

Original Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-i9500 - 32GB
Available colors: White Frost, Black Mist

Original Apple iPhone 5 64GB
Available colors: White, Black

Original blackberry Q10

Original blackberry porsche design P'9981 gold (24 carat) with Vip Pin
VIP/SPECIAL PIN: 2AAAAAAA, 2A222222, 2AA88888, 2A222999, 2A22EEEE, 2AAA5555

Note: This Phones are brand new, original, factory unlocked and ready to be use with any network provider (sim card) without any activation required, with 2 years international warranty

Interested buyers should please Forward order and inquiries to contact details below:

Fadill Yousef Al-Balushi

Add BB Pin (bbm chat#): 2195F37A

Skype: al-malaktradings

Tel: +447012908169

Contact email: almalaktradings@gmail.com

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
New Apple iPhone 5S 24Carat Gold and Blackberry Porsche Design Gold with VIP PIN علي محمود BlackBerry 1 10-07-2013 08:40 AM
New Apple iPhone 5S 24Carat Gold and Blackberry Porsche Design Gold with VIP PIN علي محمود قسم المواضيع المحذوفة والمكررة 1 10-07-2013 08:31 AM
For Sale : Blackberry Porsche Porsche / Apple iPhone 5 / Samsung Galaxy IV آلالقضاه سوق مميــــز العـــام 1 08-02-2013 10:43 AM
For sale: Original Blackberry Porsche Design Gold - (BBM Chat#): 2195F37A منافذ التجار سوق مميــــز العـــام 1 07-20-2013 03:32 AM
Vip Pins Blackberry Porsche Design (Gold,Silver,Black), Blackberry Q10(Gold,White,Bla الهواتف المحمولة BlackBerry 1 06-12-2013 06:50 AM

الساعة الآن 11:40 AM.

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