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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي Multi-Timer Ultimate v5.42

Multi-Timer Ultimate 5.42 | 3.3 Mb
Welcome to Multi-Timer Ultimate, perhaps the most powerful timer program available for Windows! This program is designed to meet the requirements of the most demanding users, in a private, professional and even scientific environment. At the same time it is very easy and intuitively to operate and you will probably not need this help file at all

Feature Summary:
- Virtually unlimited timers in a clear and neat flow layout interface (add 1, 5 or 10 timers at once)
- Drag and Drop support - timers can be moved within the array by drag & drop
- Each timer can be set up to count up, count down or work in alarm clock mode
- Timers can be paused and resumed later, even after program shutdown
- Optional Auto-Resume on program start - launches every timer which has been interrupted
- Scientific-use accuracy! Multi-Timer Ultimate features a display accuracy of 1 second or (optional) 1/10 second, but a calculation accuracy of better than 1/100,000 (10-6) seconds internally (even on interrupted use). Time spans are calculated from the start time and the current time, which guarantees the highest accuracy
- Counts up to (or down from) 1000 hours (over 41 days)
- Alarms can go off at a specified date, daily, on working days (Monday - Friday) or on a specified day of the week
- Background color (for each timer separately) and display (LED style) colors can be changed (several presets are included); changeable wallpaper / background image / color for the window background
- Hidden (system tray) mode
- Each timer has a short, changeable title and a text field for unlimited notes
- Optional Miniatur mode for the timer controls, to save screen space Timers can be started, stopped and reset single, complete or in groups
- Start time, stop time, total elapsed time and percentage of elapsed time is displayed in an integrated, sortable list (table)
- The list can be used to control the timers with the context menu, single or in groups
- Print the list (table) or export it to an Excel spreadsheet
- 12 hour / 24 hour (military time) display support and country specific date formatting
- Optional sound signal on alarm - plays any sound file in wav, mp3 or wma format and you can set the sound file and the volume for each timer individually, if you like
- Extremely efficient programming, to guarantee the highest possible accuracy under all operating circumstances and the smallest processor load, even when many timers are operated
- Run-out timers are handled correctly, when the program is started or the computer is woken up from hibernation, after the timer was supposed to run out
- Easy to use and to configure: You probably won't need the help files at all - all the bells and whistles if you like, but still intuitive and simple! It's not only a tool - it's also a toy!
- Ready for Windows 8

Home Page -
Download link:
Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction

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