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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي Pointstone System Cleaner

Pointstone System Cleaner | 9.35 Mb
Pointstone System Cleaner - a program to remove the hard disk of unnecessary data - temporary and log files, cookies and other files in the browser cache, etc. The program understands more than a hundred of extensions used to refer to temporary files, allowing you to automate the process of cleaning the hard disk from junk accumulate over time. On the other hand, you can search and delete files with any other extensions.

On the other hand, you can search and delete files with any other extensions. In addition, the program allows the removal of invalid entries from applet "Add or Remove Programs."

Main features:
* Restores performance and frees up space on your hard drive, maintain confidentiality, by cleaning up your personal information online, cleaning history, cache, clear the Windows and Internet Explorer temporary files, clean junk files, garbage, etc.
* Scans dead shortcuts from your "Start" and the desktop.
* Allows you to disable / delete records automatically load Windows.
* Backup of data in ZIP-file
* Cleaning the folders on your hard drive and Internet directories of debris and unnecessary files (temporary files, cache, etc.)
* Powerful file search.
* Ability to delete files in the Recycle Bin, or backup files in the ZIP-files or move files to a specific folder, or complete deletion of files - your choice.
* Scan multiple hard drives.
* Correcting errors on your system, which can reduce the performance of your computer.
* Speed ​​up your computer and improve performance.
* Setting up and optimization of the system registry.
* Complete cleaning of computer data and Internet activity.
* Optimize system startup.
* Optimize landing system (shutdown).
* Configure hidden Windows settings.
* And much more...

Briefly about the main features of the program:
* Restores performance and frees up space on your hard drive, maintain confidentiality, by cleaning up your personal information online, cleaning history, cache, clear the Windows and Internet Explorer temporary files, clean junk files, garbage, etc.
* Scans dead shortcuts from your "Start" and the desktop.
* Allows you to disable / delete records automatically load Windows.
* Backup of data in ZIP-file
* Cleaning the folders on your hard drive and Internet directories of debris and unnecessary files (temporary files, cache, etc.)
* Powerful file search.
* Ability to delete files in the Recycle Bin, or backup files in the ZIP-files or move files to a specific folder, or complete deletion of files - your choice.
* Scan multiple hard drives.
* Correcting errors on your system, which can reduce the performance of your computer.
* Speed ​​up your computer and improve performance.
* Setting up and optimization of the system registry.
* Complete cleaning of computer data and Internet activity.
* Optimize system startup.
* Optimize landing system (shutdown).
* Configure hidden Windows settings.
* And much more...

What's new
Improved Windows 10 Anniversary Update support
Other minor fixes and improvements

Download link:
Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction

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الساعة الآن 11:27 AM.

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