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العودة   مميز > ••• المنتديات الإدارية ••• > قسم المواضيع المحذوفة والمكررة

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قديم 11-11-2013, 04:59 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
مميز جديد

التسجيل: Nov 2013
العضوية: 946
المشاركات: 4 [+]
بمعدل : 0.00 يوميا
اخر زياره : [+]
اسماسم غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : قسم المواضيع المحذوفة والمكررة
افتراضي Buy 2 get 1 free Porsche Design P9981 Gold, Silver, Black ,Samsung S4,Apple Iphone 5s



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Network SIM CARD ( Globe-Du-Etisalat -Q-TEL -Al Jawal-Zain-Viva-B-

Mobile-Batelco- Sawa 4G Speed ) many more .

ASK FOR Special Pin Available

Product Includes

Porsche Design P9981 GOLD/BLACK/SILVER / Blackberry Q10

Standard battery

AC travel Charger

USB data cable

Stereo headset

User manual

Genuine New BlackBerry Leather Pouch Case

Key Product Features

Apple iPhone 5S………….
Apple iPhone 5C………….

Apple iPhone 5 16GB……
Apple iPhone 5 32GB…
Apple iPhone 5 64GB……

Blackberry Q5…….
Blackberry Z10…
Blackberry Q10….

Blackberry Q10….. Gold…

Blackberry Porsche Design P’9981 Gold…

Samsung Galaxy S4 .......$400
Samsung Galaxy Note III…..$350
Samsung Galaxy SIII i9300….$280
Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100….$300
Samsung Galaxy S IV…..$300

Arabic and English Keyboard

2 Years International Blackberry Warranty

2 Years Axiom Warranty

Contact for Purchase.

Add on BBM chat 24HRS: 239098F0

Inquiry : sultan.nikolas@live.com


Skype: Nguyen.mm

Tel no :- +201143111764

Tel no : +201143111764

Whatsapp : - +201143111764

Sales Manager : Sultan nikolas chatzipetros


We are the highest of electronics abroad largest GSM distibutors for the iPhone.
Why buy from us?
* Your privacy is assured
* Our prices are cheap and affordable
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* We ship Monday through Saturday.
* Free shipping on qualified orders
* We offer reasonable discounts on bulk purchases
* We ship the same day after confirmation of payment.
* We offer a return policy of 30 days and 100% money back guarantee.

For more Inquiry & Order Placement do contact via Email:


Assalaam Alaikum

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الساعة الآن 03:33 PM.

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