مرحبا عزيري الزائر قم بالتسجيل الأن ..
إذا كان لديك بالفعل حساب لدينا قم بتسجيل الدخول الأن ..

حفظ البيانات .. ؟

هل نسيت كلمة السر .. ؟
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قديم 11-23-2014, 02:52 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
مروان ساهر
مميز ذهبي
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التسجيل: Nov 2014
العضوية: 1522
المشاركات: 2,698 [+]
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مروان ساهر غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي عملاق حفظ و تجميد الجهاز Deep Freeze Enterprise فى اخر اصداره

Deep Freeze Enterprise

Deep Freeze instantly protects and preserves baseline computer configurations. No matter what changes a user makes to a workstation, simply restart to eradicate all changes and reset the computer to its original state – right down to the last byte. Expensive computer assets are kept running at 100% capacity and technical support time is reduced or eliminated completely. The result is consistent trouble-free computing on a truly protected and parallel network, completely free of harmful viruss and unwanted programs. While Deep Freeze provides bulletproof protection, its non-restrictive approach also improves user productivity and satisfaction.

• Guarantees 100% workstation recovery on restart
• Provides password protection and complete security
• Protects multiple hard drives and partitions

Deployment Options
• Offers silent install option for rapid network deployment
• Provides option to deploy on multiple workstations as part of a master image
• DFC included in Workstation/Seed installations

Security and Control
• Encrypt all components with a unique Customization Code
• Preset multiple passwords to be used on a workstation or via the Command Line Control with varying activation and expiration dates
• Generate encrypted One Time or One Day Passwords
• Disable keyboard and mouse during maintenance periods or on demand
• Boot Control window provides ability for immediate reboot

Configuring Options
• Create customized installation files using the Configuration Administrator
• Pre-select Frozen Drives and selectively Freeze or Thaw fixed drives
• Schedule automatic Restart/Shutdown times
• Restart computer on Logoff
• Shutdown workstations after a preset length of inactivity
• Schedule Thawed Maintenance periods to perform Windows updates through the Internet or a SUS/WSUS server or Anti-Virus Updates
• Schedule Send Message tasks

Flexibility Options
• Create a ThawSpace on a workstation that can be used to store programs, save files, or make permanent changes
• Specify the size and file system of the ThawSpace (up to 100GB using NTFS)
• Use Stealth Mode to hide the Deep Freeze system tray icon
• Override ongoing maintenance periods

















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عملاق صيانة الجهاز وتسريعه واصلاح الاخطاء Advanced SystemCare Pro مروان ساهر الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية 0 01-05-2015 03:16 AM
عملاق تنظيف الجهاز بشكل دوري وسريع CCleaner Professional 5.01.5075 Final مروان ساهر الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية 0 12-27-2014 05:35 PM
عملاق تنظيف الجهاز بشكل دوري وسريع CCleaner Professional 5.01.5075 Final مروان ساهر الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية 0 12-27-2014 05:17 PM
عملاق تنظيف الجهاز وتسريعه CCleaner Professional Plus 5.00.5050 مروان ساهر الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية 0 12-23-2014 03:06 AM
عملاق تنظيف الجهاز بشكل دوري وسريع CCleaner 5.00.5050 Final Professional مروان ساهر الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية 0 12-01-2014 02:31 PM

الساعة الآن 05:52 PM.

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