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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي CCProxy 8.0 Build 20160819.Multilingual

CCProxy 8.0 Build 20160819 Multilingual | 1.1 MB
Proxy server CCProxy is easy-to-use and powerful. This enables you set up your own proxy server and realize Internet connection sharing within 10 minutes. CCProxy includes innovative features like Internet access control, web filter, bandwidth control, web cache, parent, remote dial-up, auto dialup and time schedule puts you in a complete control of the Internet access. It also provides some advanced and interesting functions. Proxy software CCProxy can well accommodate your Internet sharing whether for business or home network.

Proxy Server CCProxy Main Features
Modem, Cable Modem, ISDN, ADSL, Satellite, DDN, WiFi and so on are supported(more).
HTTP, FTP, Gopher, SOCKS4/5, Telnet, Secure (HTTPS), News (NNTP), RTSP and MMS proxy are supported.
Port Mapping is supported.
Web cache can enhance browsing speed. The size and refresh time of the cache can be easily changed.
Bandwidth control flexibly manages the traffic usage of clients.
Time schedule can easily control the clients' on-line time(access time control).
Web filter can ban the specified web sites or content, It can also name specific web sites for browsing.
URL filtering prevents users from downloading files with designated extensions via IE.
There are seven types of account authentication: IP address, IP range, MAC address, User Name/Password, IP + User Name/Password, MAC + User Name/Password and IP + MAC.
Parent proxy function enables CCProxy to access the Internet via another proxy.
Dial-On-Demand, remote dial up and auto disconnect are supported.
Access Logging can keep a full record of the Internet access log.
It enables IE and Firefox to access the Internet through HTTP/Secure/FTP (Web)/Gopher. Learn more about how to proxy server for IE and other browsers.
SOCKS5 proxy support allows use of ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, CuteFTP, CuteFTP Pro and WS-FTP.
Mail proxy supports Outlook, Eudora etc.
Supports NetTerm accessing the Internet via Telnet proxy.
Supports Outlook connecting to the News server via News proxy.
Support SOCKS5 and web authentication.
Support for Real Player RTSP proxy and Media Player MMS proxy.
Built-in DNS can resolve domain names.
Bandwidth usage statistics.

OS : Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 2008, Vista, XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003
Language : Multilingual

Download link:
Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction

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