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قديم 08-23-2016, 02:40 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي Trance Euphoria Club Trance Energy Anthems (WAV MiDi)

Trance Euphoria Club Trance Energy Anthems WAV MiDi | 266 Mb
'Club Trance Energy Anthems' is a new series from Trance Euphoria featuring 10 x Professional Construction Kits, packed full of pro features and produced by a professional producer. If you are looking for inspiration for you next Trance track, look no further than this pack. Each Kit contains 16-Bit WAV Files and MIDI for ultimate flexibility.

Inspired by the top Trance festivals like Creamfields, We Are FSTVL, Colours Fest, Together Festival, Global Gathering, South West Four, Tomorrowland, Ultra Music Festival and many more top festivals around the world. This product is inspired by artists such as AvB, Ferry Corsten, Aly & Fila, Dash Berlin, Alex M.O.R.P.H, Ronald Van Den Beuken, Markus Schulz, Sean Tyas, Cosmic Gate, Above & Beyond, Rank 1, Ronski Speed, Push, Binary Finary, Sander Van Doorn, PVD, Richard Durand, Tiesto, Lange, Spencer & Hill, and many more.
BPM and song key information is marked on each kit folder, each kit include all drum parts from kick to percussion, wet and dry loops for all the main parts also including filter up and down loops wet and dry, all midi parts are included and a mix down demo for each kit, folder structure is smartly arranged for ease of use. With midi you have the ultimate in flexibility being able to edit notes, velocity etc and assign your own sound, these are easily imported to any DAW either Drag And Drop or Import Midi Options in your DAW. Midis are also a great source of inspiration for those writers block moments even the pros need motivation and inspiration from time to time, you can also learn how these have been constructed and change/tweak the midi to your own taste, these have been constructed with high energy in mind.

Product Specifications:
* 10 x Trance Construction Kits
* Midi Files For Each Kit
* Wet & Dry Loops For Each Kit
* Drum Kick Compressed/Uncompressed Versions For Each Kit
* Several Percussion Variation Wav Loops
* Demo Mix Down Of Each Kit
* 298 x Total Kit Files In Total (264 x WAVs In Total) And (34 x MIDI Files In Total)
* Professionally Produced
* Key And Tempo-Labelled
* 44.1kHz 16-Bit High Quality
* Compatible With All DAWs
* PC & Mac Compatible
* 100% Royalty-Free

Download link:
Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction

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