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قديم 08-25-2016, 06:12 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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التسجيل: Aug 2016
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي CD-Adapco Star CCM+ 11.04.012 WindowsLinux x64-SSQ

CD-Adapco Star CCM+ 11.04.012 Windows/Linux x64-SSQ | 3.55 GB
STAR-CCM + is one of the most modern in comparison with competitors, a software suite designed to address the problems of continuum mechanics. It differs in the use of extraordinary simplicity. STAR-CCM + includes the latest numerical algorithms such as advanced solvers, raspredelennny (segregated solver) and connected (coupled solver), moreover, it is created using the most advanced programming techniques. This allows STAR-CCM + provide unprecedented accuracy, reliability and flexibility in solving problems of computational continuum mechanics.

Powerful new tools for building grids: from restoring the integrity of the surface (surface wrapping) to the meshing of polyhedral cells. The use of these new tools for building grids can reduce the clock while solving the problem.
A large set of physical models: laminar and turbulent flow of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, multiphase flow, cavitation, radiation, combustion, development of boundary layer flows with high Mach numbers, the conjugate heat transfer, as well as new models for the calculation of heat exchangers and fans.
The use of arbitrary polyhedral cells: it requires less memory and speeds up the solution.
Powerful imaging: modeling and control parameters in the calculation process.
It has, in particular, Russian interface.
Reliable results: based on sustainable, bezavostnogo solver STAR-CCM +.
Compatibility with existing models of software products: STAR-CD, ICEM, GridGen, Gambit.
Models consisting of 1 billion or more cells:. Unlike all other CFD-packages, STAR-CCM + is specifically designed to implement scalable parallel computations on arbitrarily large grids. It lets solve relatively simple problems of strength (with gas dynamics)

Year / Release Date: 2016
Version: 11.04.012
Developer: CD-Adapco
Developer website:
Bit depth: 64bit
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Compatible with Windows 7 full time
Compatible with Windows 8: full
Language: Multilingual (Russian present)
Medicine: Present (TeAM SOlidSQUAD-SSQ)
System requirements: personal experience - from junior i7, min 8 Gb RAM, nVidia, Bat Logitech.

Download link:
uploaded_net: zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part1.rar zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part2.rar zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part3.rar zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part4.rar datafile_com: zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part1.rar zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part2.rar zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part3.rar zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part4.rar alfafile_net: zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part1.rar zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part2.rar zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part3.rar zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part4.rar uploadrocket_net: zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part1.rar.html zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part2.rar.html zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part3.rar.html zo9nq.CDAdapco.Star.CCM.11.04.012.WindowsLinux.x64SSQ.part4.rar.html
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