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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي Microsoft Office.2011 for Mac 14.6.7 SP4 VL

Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac 14.6.7 SP4 VL | MacOSX | 1.11 GB
Microsoft Office is used by more than 1 billion. PC and Mac computers and is the most popular and reliable set of business applications on theworld market.

Package Microsoft ™ Office® for Mac 2011 is the leader in business applications for a Mac. A rich set of easy-to-use features Office for Mac 2011 enables customers to create visually appealing professional documents. Improved collaboration to provide ease of working with multiple authors in different locations. Word will help to create a full-featured documents, Excel - quickly process data, PowerPoint - to attract the attention of any audience a clear presentation of ideas, and Outlook will connect with the right people and to follow up on assigned tasks. Moreover, due to the compatibility of Office for Mac and Office for Windows users are able to work with documents from virtually any PC or your Mac. Microsoft Office - this is the most convenient way to create documents, access and work with them.
Work well with others
Be on the same page with Office for Mac and Office for Windows, including new features in Office 2010. Whether you're looking to share files or work together online, now you can do it with complete confidence, knowing that Office for Mac is most compatible with Office for Windows. With Office being used on more than 1 billion Macs and PCs worldwide, you can work with practically anyone you want, how you want, wherever you want-with no worries.
Save time with software you already know
Learning new software can be time-consuming. Office for Mac 2011 contains the familiar commands, formats, and interfaces you already know, so you can start working right away. It's never been easier to switch from Mac to PC and back again, wherever and however you need to work.
Use what the pros use
Create great-looking documents in a snap. Office for Mac 2011 offers the most complete feature set, with everything you'd expect from top-of-the-line software. If delivering impressive, professional-looking documents matters to you, then you need Office for Mac 2011. There is no substitute.

Language: English
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