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قديم 02-15-2015, 07:02 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
مروان ساهر
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التسجيل: Nov 2014
العضوية: 1522
المشاركات: 2,698 [+]
بمعدل : 0.72 يوميا
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وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي افضل برنامج ارشادات طرق للاندرويد كامل لا يحتاج لانترنت Maps me v4.2.1

Maps me v4.2.1

MAPS.ME–Offline Maps & Routing (fastest offline maps ever) v4.2.1

Get instant access to detailed maps of all countries from anywhere in the world! No internet connection is required.

Get driving directions from your current location to any spot on a single map.

- Over 10M downloads worldwide.
- 140 TB of internet data saved by users in 2014.
- TOP 1 mobile travel app in more than 100 countries.
- Featured in Forbes, TechCrunch and Washington Post.

Optimised for your phone and tablet (even without 3G).

- ROUTING. Receive map directions to a specific location. Never get lost again with GPS navigation.

- WORKS EVERYWHERE. Download any map for free. Useful at home and essential for travel with 345 countries and islands covered. Paris, France? Check. Amsterdam, Netherlands? Check. Barcelona, Spain? Check. New York, USA? Check! Rome, Italy? Check. London, UK? Check. Pare-Pare? Yeah, thatأ¢â‚¬â„¢s Indonesia. Check!

- HIGHLY DETAILED. Offline maps just got better! Thereأ¢â‚¬â„¢s millions of points-of-interest (POI) to discove search for restaurants, tourist attractions and destinations, gas/petrol stations, ATM machines, metro/ subway stations and more. Up-to-date map data is added daily by map users worldwide – www.openstreetmap.org – open-source alternative to Google Maps/GMaps and MapQuest.

- NO INTERNET NEEDED. Maps work when no internet connection is available. Forget about roaming charges when travelling abroad.

- INCREDIBLY FAST. One of the fastest offline maps ever. Displays map when others donأ¢â‚¬â„¢t. Innovative map data compression makes MAPS.ME offline maps remarkably small. Save memory on your device.

- Bookmarks of places. Create and import/export from other maps for easy access anytime. KML/KMZ files are supported.
- Offline search. Locate everything you need on the maps and use it as a travel guide!
- Location-sharing. Let your friends and family know where you are! Send a pin of any place on the map via email or SMS.
- Auto-follow mode. When enabled, the map automatically orients itself to the direction you are moving.

Required Android O/S : 2.3 and up

- Copy .apk file to sdcard/..
- Install APK
- copy com.mapswithme.maps.pro folder to sd/Android/obb/...
- Enjoy













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