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إضافة رد
قديم 05-21-2016, 02:34 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
مروان ساهر
مميز ذهبي
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التسجيل: Nov 2014
العضوية: 1522
المشاركات: 2,698 [+]
بمعدل : 0.72 يوميا
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي اللعبة الرائعة Pool Break Pro - 3D Billiards v2.6.4 APK للأندرويد

Pool Break Pro - 3D Billiards v2.6.4 APK

Pool Break is a suite of games featuring several variations of Pool, Snooker, Billiards, Crokinole and Carrom games. The full screen 3D graphics are spectacular and the physics are realistic and accurate. Whether you play against the computer or against other Android, iPhone or iPad users online, the action is smooth and fast paced!

Ready for some realistic pool action? With a ton of games and lots of fast paced action, Pool Break will keep the most seasoned pro playing well into the night. Its realistic 3D graphics and linear shot guides help you line up your shot, modify the shooting angle, and see where your shot is going to land, making it easy to line yourself up for your next move.
You may also play against computer or in pass-n-play mode.

Pool Break Features Include:
- About two dozen games packed into one app
- Multiple Languages Supported
- English, French, German, Italian
- Russian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese)
- Dutch, Polish, Spanish
- Korean (South), Simplified Chinese
- Online Cross-Platform Multiplayer Gaming
- Online chat
- Play against the computer with four difficulty levels
- Pass-n-Play mode
- Very Realistic Pool, Billiard and Snooker Physics
- Pan, Zoom and Slow Motion modes
- Free View and First Person View
- Regular or Hexagonal Pool tables
- Allows Curve and Masse shots and full English
- Intuitive User Interface
- Many different sceneries and ball designs
- Built-in Help Manuals explain how to play
- View statistics and achievements
- One-click start of recently played games
- Hours of fun








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