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قديم 08-22-2016, 08:56 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي Aiseesoft DVD Software Toolkit.7.2.50

Aiseesoft DVD Software Toolkit 7.2.50 | 153 Mb
Aiseesoft DVD Software Toolkit is an easy to use yet comprehensive applications package, providing you with several advanced tools that you can use to create, copy, convert or edit DVD movies.

This software suite features the following components: Aiseesoft Video Converter Ultimate, Aiseesoft DVD Creator, Aiseesoft Blu-ray Player, Aiseesoft 3D Converter, and Aiseesoft FoneTrans.

Aiseesoft Video Converter Ultimate lets you to load one or more videos from your PC, adjust their appearance and characteristics, then convert them to different formats, for instance MP4, AVI, FLV, MKV, MOV and many others.

Aiseesoft DVD Creator allows you to add various movies from your computer, enabling you to choose the DVD type, the volume label, add subtitles or audio tracks. When all your editing operations are complete, you can burn the videos to a disc and share it with friends and family.

Aiseesoft Blu-ray Player has been designed to allow you to easily play any Blu-ray discs. At the same time, the application provides you with the possibility to open any blu-ray file already saved on your computer and play it with only a few mouse clicks.

With the help of Aiseesoft 3D Converter, you can transform your 2D videos into 3D movies effortlessly. The tool comes with support for a wide range of video file formats, and can also transform 3D videos into 2D ones, an option that could prove great for those of you who don't have the necessary means to play 3D clips on your computers.

Aiseesoft FoneTrans is an easy-to-use utility that allows you to transfer data from your phone to a PC and the other way ar
ound. The tool can automatically recognize the connected mobile device, which makes it easy to browse for files and folders stored on it.

Download link:
Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction

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Aiseesoft BD Software Toolkit.7.2.52 missyou الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية 0 08-22-2016 08:52 PM
أسطوانة البرامج الرائعة لأهم البرامج بعد الويندوز Starter Toolkit May 2016 v1.0 مروان ساهر الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية 0 05-26-2016 02:32 PM
مشغل افلام البلوراى الرهيب Aiseesoft Blu-ray Player 6.2.86 مروان ساهر الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية 0 03-12-2015 03:37 AM

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