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قديم 08-23-2016, 10:24 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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missyou غير متواجد حالياً
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي Grass Valley EDIUS Pro 7.53 Build.010 (x64)

Grass Valley EDIUS Pro 7.53 Build 010 (x64) | 554.93 MB
EDIUS Pro 7 gives you the ability to handle more resolutions, unlimited tracks and real-time editing for the ability to Edit Anything, Anywhere. EDIUS Pro 7 is the perfect finishing tool for broadcast news, newsmagazine content and studio programs, as well as corporate, documentary and 4K theatrical productions.

And now EDIUS has partnered with Blackmagic Design to support its PCIe DeckLink 4K Extreme and Thunderbolt-based UltraStudio 4K capture and playback devices for the most affordable 4K workflows. EDIUS Pro 7 also supports EDL project import/export color correction interchange with DaVinci Resolve for a new color grading workflow.

What's New in EDIUS Pro 7:

- Open to third-party I/O hardware from Blackmagic Design. Matrox and AJA (requires EDIUS v7.4).

- Fast, flexible user interface, including unlimited video, audio, title and graphics tracks
- Support for the latest file formats (Sony XAVC/XVAC S, Panasonic AVC-Ultra and Canon 1D C M-JPEG)

- Fastest AVCHD editing in the market (up to 3+ streams in real time)
- Multicam editing of up to 16 different sources simultaneously, with video output support
- Improved MPEG encoder speed and quality
- Improved H.264/AVC decoder
- Optimized for fourth-generation Intel Core i architecture
- 64-bit native processing with maximum memory access for streamlined real-time editing
- Proxy mode workflow for slower computers helps extend their usability and increase ROI
- Supports Intel Quick Sync Video for extremely fast hardware for export and Blu-ray Disc burning
- Fast handling of large quantities of still image files (JPG, TGA, DPX and others)
- 3D stereoscopic editing
- Built-in loudness meter
- Image stabilization
- Direct to Blu-ray Disc and DVD timeline export

Download link:
Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction

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