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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي TechTool Pro 8.0.5 Build.2234 (Mac OS X)

TechTool Pro 8.0.5 Build 2234 Multilingual MacOSX | 118.77 MB
The new Techtool Pro 8 is the most robust hardware diagnostic tool available for Macintosh. Easy to use for both home users and professionals, TechTool Pro utilizes full 64-bit compatibility to keep your Mac running at its best. TechTool Pro 8 brings with it some of the deepest hardware testing yet - testing components on your motherboard that no other utility can access. You can now test the sensors and fans on your Mac, along with the battery if youre using a Mac laptop. In addition, weve now integrated Protogo, so that you can create your own custom test drives for out in the field.

TechTool Pro already tests the major components on your motherboard: RAM, Processor, Cache, etc. In TechTool Pro 8, were taking it a step further, testing a wider variety of components on your Macs motherboard. On some machines there are more than 100 electrical and temperature sensors that TechTool Pro will check. If any of those sensors report values outside of their acceptable operating range, the new Sensors test will let you know so that you can take the necessary steps to prevent a minor problem from becoming a major one.

If youve ever used a laptop for an extended period of time, you might have noticed that your Macs palm rests can double as hand warmers. Every computer generates heat, and almost all of them use fans to cool themselves when components become too hot. Its important to make sure that all the fans in your computer are functional. The new Fans test spins up the fans in your Mac to make sure that they run at capacity and speed to ensure your Macintosh is running at its best.

MacBook models have one important feature that separates them from their desktop cousins - the battery. TechTool Pro now makes it easy to check on the health of that battery. The test reports cycle count, percent of total capacity remaining, along with the batterys overall condition so that you can use your Mac unplugged with confidence.

You can now take it with you
The portability of TechTool Protogo is now included with every copy of TechTool Pro. TechTool Protogo allows you to create a bootable diagnostic device that contains TechTool Pro and all of its most powerful tools as well as any of your own utilities you may wish to install. You can then use this device to boot, check, maintain, and repair Macintosh computers as needed. Simply launch Protogo, choose Protogo from the Mode menu, and use it to set up a diagnostic disk.

Whether you have a fleet of computers to maintain for your business, or simply have your familys MacBooks to look after on the road, Techtool Pro 8s Protogo feature can give you access to all the tools you need. With your Protogo device, you can start up more Macs more quickly than with a traditional DVD, and have the tools to get more done.

New Models and El Capitan
Techtool Pro 8 works with all the latest models of Macintosh computers and works on the latest version of OS X, El Capitan. We think youll find Techtool Pro 8 to be an extremely valuable addition to your Macintosh toolbox.

Mac Drive Testing and Repair
Your Macs hard drive, even if it is a Solid State Drive, is more likely to experience problems than any other component on your Mac. Because data changes so frequently, it can sometimes get scrambled. So, its important to be able to test drives for problems and then repair them. Sadly, if something is physically wrong with the drive, it will need to be backed up and replaced, but the sooner this type of damage is detected, the fewer files - like cherished memories and important personal documents - will be lost. Most drive problems, however, result from data being in the wrong place, and can be repaired using Techtool Pros Volume Rebuild tool.

Emergency Startup Disk
If your startup disk stops working, and you need another startup disk, Techtool Pros eDrive steps in to help. The eDrive is what youll use to test, rebuild or defragment your main hard drive, but it is really helpful if your main startup disk goes missing. Instead of fumbling for your install DVD, or relying on the Recovery HDs limited functionality, the eDrive gives you quick access to Techtool Pro along with several handy Apple utilities. You can even add other programs if you like.

Protect Important Data
The best way to prevent data loss is to be prepared. In addition to a backup, Techtool Pro includes Techtool Protection, which keeps an eye on your trash, allowing you to undelete that file you didnt mean to delete. You can also back up your directory structures, the map of where your data lives, so that if you need to recover data from a corrupt drive, Techtool Pros Data Recovery tool will know exactly where to look. Better yet, use Techtool Pros Volume Cloning tool to create an additional backup.

Diagnostics and Repair
Start with Check Computer to perform a complete diagnostic check of your Mac and hard drives. A single click of your mouse runs a SMART Check of your hard drive to detect impending drive failure, a RAM test, analysis of disk directories and more. If problems are found, advice is provided on how to proceed to repair the problem. Use Check Computer regularly as a part of your preventive maintenance program.

Volume Rebuild
Techtool Pro will test, rebuild, and repair damaged directories on corrupted hard drives, and optimize the data directories when they are repaired. Volume Rebuild will display a comparison chart before directory data is replaced. Use Volume Rebuild to keep your drives operating at their peak performance.

Memory Test
RAM problems are quite prevalent and can cause a variety of crashes, program errors and even data loss. Weve seen many cases where a user will be chasing down a disk or extension problem when their issue was simply a faulty and inexpensively replaced memory module. As part of the RAM test, weve also added an SPD report that shows you an enormous amount of technical and other interesting information about your computers memory.

Using Techtool Pro, you can easily create an eDrive, an extra startup partition based on the active system volume, which can be used as an emergency startup partition or to perform regular maintenance on your Mac. The eDrive is based on your specific Macs system and includes Techtool Pros tools for Mac repair. Using the eDrive, theres no need to reformat or to boot from a DVD or secondary hard drive.

Volume Cloning
Volume Cloning creates exact duplicates of your volumes for trouble-free archiving to backup your data and applications. Cloning volumes can also be helpful if you are upgrading from a smaller size hard drive to a larger drive. You have the options of creating a duplicate of an entire disk, file syncing by adding only the changed files to a clone, or cloning to numerous disc image formats. If you have an available drive, you can even use the tool to optimize disks that are especially fragmented.

Volume and File Optimization
Techtool Pro performs both file and volume optimization. File optimization defragments individual files on the hard drive. Volume optimization consolidates the free space on a hard drive. For full optimization, perform Volume Optimization after File Optimization. The resulting optimization simplifies the file storage layout and may enhance the overall performance of your drive.

Data Recovery
Techtool Pro helps you recover your data from corrupted drives or volumes that dont mount on the desktop to save the data to another location. Use the Trash History feature to track the location of deleted files and increase the chance of their recovery in the case of an accidental deletion.

Network Monitoring
Techtool Pro will monitor the configuration of your local area network (LAN) by revealing the active services and ports on each selected machine or Bonjour supported device on your LAN. This information is important for strengthening security on a specific machine, Bonjour supported device or your overall LAN, and is also helpful in tracking what devices have been in use in the past that are no longer available since the last time monitoring was performed.

Protection Preferences
Techtool Pro includes the option to install the Techtool Protection system preference, where you configure automatic functions that operate in the background. In particular, you can configure Protection to track deleted files, monitor the free space on your hard drives, save backups of critical directory data to help with recovery in the event of drive corruption, and to monitor the SMART routines of your hard drives. If problems are found, Protection delivers onscreen and email alerts.

System Requirements:
- Intel-based Macs
- Mac OS X 10.8 or greater, including OS X 10.11 El Capitan
- 1 GB RAM or higher

Download link:
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