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قديم 05-16-2016, 11:56 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
مروان ساهر
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التسجيل: Nov 2014
العضوية: 1522
المشاركات: 2,698 [+]
بمعدل : 0.71 يوميا
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي تحميل لانشر الشبيه ويندوز 10 Win 10 Colors - Icon Pack v1.0.8 للأندرويد

Win 10 Colors - Icon Pack v1.0.8 APK

Win 10 Colors is icon pack which is inspired by Googles new Material Design language,combined with the Win 10 colors.Rounded icon pack, along with White shape.It looks harmonious and Unified,but also bright and attractive.

Win 10 Colors is designed with high definition details. Every icon is well crafted.Just enjoy and make your phone distinctiveأ¯

Win 10 Colors icon pack has this features:
- 3000+ icons (192x192 xxxhdpi)
- 10 HD Wallpapers
- Supports most major launchers
- Built-in Icon Request
- Continuous updating and optimization

Supported launchers:
- Nova Launcher
- Apex Launcher
- Inspire Launcher
- Smart Launcher
- Atom Launcher
- Aviate Launcher
- Solo Launcher
- S Launcher
- CM11 themes Only icons
- Slide
- Winterboard
- KK Launcher
- M Launcher
- Mini Launcher
- Holo Launcher
- Action Launcher Pro
- Go Launcher (icons only)
- Unicon only Icon
- 70 Walpaper design and resolution

Hope to works well with many others.
All icons in Win 10 Colors look clear and delicate,because they are made in the highest definition.

Icon Requests
Win 10 Colors provides Icon Requests.To request icons,please open Win 10 Colors and navigate to the Icon Request section. We will continue to strive to add add new icons,as well as update existing icons to keep pace with new application icon.

Alternative icons
If you want to configure an alternative icon for a specific app individually, you can follow like this:hold down the specific icon and release it, then a small pop-up will appear.It will allow you to edit the icon and the name or do something else. From there, select the icon, this will show icon packs in your phone, then select Win 10 Colors and choose your favorite icon.

Imperfect icons
If you find some icons arent perfect or synchronized with the existing app icon, please tell us by email instead of giving a bad rating. Thanks very much!

Wallpapers and widget in the preview screenshot are not a part of the icon pack. You may download them yourself!



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