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قديم 08-25-2016, 05:56 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي Bricsys BricsCAD Platinum (MacOSX)

Bricsys BricsCAD Platinum (Mac OS X) | 198 MB
BricsCAD V16 for Mac is now available and enhances architectural BIM design, 3D modeling, and usability, all on the Macintosh platform.

BricsCAD is the powerful CAD software platform unifying the familiar feature set of native dwg with advanced 2D tools and intelligent 3D direct modeling on Windows and Linux. BricsCAD reads and writes the dwg format and offers very high compatibility with AutoCAD®. In addition BricsCAD offers 3D Direct Modeling in native dwg. BricsCAD, so much more than an alternative.
New 2D and 3D Functions in V16
BricsCAD V16 significantly expands the function of the unique Quad cursor so that it also draws objects, in addition to editing them. The Quad is easily customized in V16.
Users make better drawings through the new dynamically associative array function that creates and edits linear, rectangular, polar, 3D array, and arrays along paths. As well, transparency can be applied to objects, layers, and Descriptionted out. Text is enhanced multi-column paragraphs and automatic stacking of fractions.
Now map tiles can be placed from online cartographic services, and drawings can be located accurately using geographic coordinates.
BricsCAD V16 expands 3D object creation to 3D surfaces, which can be edited just like 3D solids, including those imported from other CAD programs. The new release imports and heals assemblies from MCAD programs like Solidworks and Inventor; in addition, it imports 3D models from the popular SketchUp conceptual modeling tool, and BIM data from IFC files.
BricsCAD BIM (building information model) for architectural design synchronizes 3D models with 2D sections, plans, and details, and reads and writes IFC files from other BIM systems. All building materials and compositions in the BIM database are accessible through the dockable BIM panel. BricsCAD creates room objects in V16 that are bounded by wall objects. Choose windows and doors from the library, or else create your own by setting parameters in the Properties panel.
The redesigned drawing generation feature lets users generate 2D drawings, details, sections, and sheet sets in seconds from 3D, BIM, and sheet metal models using styles.
BricsCAD Sheet Metal
In BricsCAD V16, the sheet metal functions become an optional add-on. New functions in V16 include automatic feature coloring, lofted bends, and additional junction and relief shapes. The all-new batch processing facilities allows users to quickly produce families of sheet metal parts of different sizes. Support for CAM systems is extended to CYBELEC and DELEM.

BricsCAD Platinum
- Powerful CAD functions
- 2D constraints solving
- Full support of LISP
- Chapoo connectivity
- Direct 3D modeling
- Rendering, materials, and lighting
- VBA1 & BRX
- 3D constraints solving
- BricsCAD Communicator 2
- 3D constraint creation
- Design intent recognition
- Assembly modeling
- Sheet Metal

Download link:
Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction

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