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قديم 08-23-2016, 09:06 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي Alien Skin Blow Up Revision 34555 (WInMac)

Alien Skin Blow Up Revision 34555 (WIn/Mac) | 28.6 MB / 39 MB

Sharp Photo Enlargement at Any Size. Blow Up keeps photos crystal clear during enlargement. Especially in large prints hung on a wall, the difference between Blow Up and Photoshop is astounding. Version 3 makes pictures even sharper without computer artifacts.

If you understand Photoshops resize command then you already know how to use Blow Up. Our large library of standard paper sizes makes it even easier. With Lightroom and CMYK support, Blow Up fits into a professional workflow.

Image Quality
In Blow Up 3 we found ways to make edges even sharper without introducing computery artifacts. The images below show the difference between Blow Up 3 and the traditional bicubic photo resizer used by Photoshop and other image editors.

New! Simplicity
Blow Up interface is deceptively simple. Just set your paper size as you would in Photoshop and optionally set a crop region. In version 3 we kept all the rocket science under the hood.

Lightroom Support
Blow Up 3 has tight Lightroom integration that supports batch processing and does not require Photoshop.

New! Speed
Blow Up 3 runs faster on both Macintosh and Windows computers.

Huge Images
You can resize up to 300,000 pixels per side, the maximum Photoshop can handle. Of course, Photoshop would choke on a square image that big, but if you are making a billboard that Photoshop can handle, so can Blow Up!

Blow Up can handle CMYK images used in offset printing and 16-bit/channel images used by professional photographers.

Blow Up has presets for common paper sizes, including photo papers and standard US, European, and Japanese sizes.

Output Sharpening
Just choose your paper type and Blow Up sharpens the right amount to compensate for ink diffusion.

System Requirements:
- Apple Mac users need OS X Yosemite (10.10) or newer
- Microsoft Windows users need Windows 8 64-bit or newer
- An Intel Core 2 processor or compatible
- A monitor with 1280x768 resolution or greater

What's New in Alien Skin Blow Up 3
Download link:
Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction

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