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قديم 12-30-2014, 04:26 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
مروان ساهر
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي اقوى برامج الهندسة الصوتية MAGIX Samplitude Pro X Suite

MAGIX Samplitude Pro X Suite

Samplitude Pro X Suite combines the outstanding features of the Samplitude Pro X audio workstation with a high-quality add-on package. The precise audio engine with full bit transparency guarantees 100% neutral sound. Discover the unique possibilities offered by real-time editing, individually customizable interfaces, an optimized workflow, and high-quality mastering tools. And thats not all – Samplitude Pro X Suite also includes the Analogue Modelling Suite Plus, Vandal guitar and bass amplifier as well as the Independence Sampler. All these components transform your system into a powerful all-in-one solution covering all stages involved in sophisticated audio productions.

• 64-bit support: take advantage of a 64-bit application and 64-bit plug-ins. Naturally, Samplitude Pro X is capable of running on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems and 32-bit plug-ins are still supported.
• Includes comprehensive additions: Analogue Modelling Suite Plus, Vandal guitar and bass amplifier and Independence Sampler Workstation, including 70 GB content!
• 100% sound neutrality & fidelity: transparency, neutrality, spaciousness and retention of transients – even during intense digital editing processes, the sound retains its acoustic nuances thanks to full bit transparency.
• Hybrid Audio Engine – Perfect performance on any system
• Object editing: complete editing at object level, including effects, plug-ins, fades, equalizing,
timestretching, pitchshifting, AUX sends and freeze. Completely non-destructive & real-time












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