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العودة   مميز > ••• سوق مميــــز للبيع والشراء ••• > سوق الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية > الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية

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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 04-10-2015, 05:29 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
مروان ساهر
مميز ذهبي
عضو لديه أكثر من 400 مشاركةعضو لديه أكثر من 400 مشاركةعضو لديه أكثر من 400 مشاركةعضو لديه أكثر من 400 مشاركة

التسجيل: Nov 2014
العضوية: 1522
المشاركات: 2,698 [+]
بمعدل : 0.71 يوميا
اخر زياره : [+]
مروان ساهر غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي تحميل لعبة مسلية للاندرويد Fruit Ninja v2.2.5

Fruit Ninja v2.2.5

For the hundreds of millions of fans around the world with trillions of fruit sliced - thank you for your amazing continued support! You have made Fruit Ninja one of the most popular games of all-time!

Fruit Ninja is a juicy action game enjoyed by millions of players around the world! Become the ultimate bringer of sweet, tasty destruction with every slash!

The time has come to swipe your finger across the screen and deliciously splatter fruit like a true ninja warrior. Be careful of bombs – they are explosive to touch and will put a swift end to your juicy adventure!

Fruit Ninja features three addictive gameplay modes which will keep you coming back for even higher scores. Choose from Classic, Zen and the hugely popular Arcade mode to test all aspects of your fruit-slicing skillset. We’ve even added a brand new challenge system to keep you on your toes!

Your success will please the wise ninja Sensei, who will accompany your journey with words of wisdom and fun fruit facts. Your hard work will also be rewarded with unlockable blades, backgrounds and game-changing power-ups!
Fruit Ninja is the original and the best slicer on Android!!

• Slash your way through three unique modes: Classic, Arcade and Zen.
• Customize your experience with unlockable weapons and backgrounds.
• Boost your arsenal with three exhilarating power-ups in Gutsu's Cart.
• Hone your skills and earn rewards in our brand new challenge system.
• Local split-screen multiplayer for 7” tablets and up. Select devices only.

What's in this version : (Updated : Apr 2, 2015)
We've tightened up the menu flow so you can spend even more time doing what you do best: delivering sweet, juicy justice to fruit!
Required Android O/S : 2.1+

Size :48MB

Screenshots :









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