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قديم 12-25-2015, 06:07 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
مروان ساهر
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التسجيل: Nov 2014
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وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي إجعل لقفل شاشتك جمالية مع التطبيق C Locker Pro (Widget Locker) v7.7.0.3 APK

C Locker Pro (Widget Locker) v7.7.0.3 APK

Christmas & New Year Sale
From Now to 10 Jan 2016, C Locker Pro(USD 2.49), C Notice Prime(USD 1.49) and C Floating Prime(USD 1.99) are all selling at USD 0.99!! Grab all as you can!!
Customize the Widgets you like, Launch the Actions you need…quickly!

Latest Update:
~Pattern Unlock added
~Security Selfie, auto taking selfie and email you when PIN/Pattern Attempts failed
~C Locker now supports Samsung Galaxy S Series Fingerprint Unlock!!

~Please try the FREE VERSION before buying, some of the features may not be compatible to your device.

Extra Features for Pro version:
1. Things you can see from the Lock Screen:
-All resizable and moveable app Widgets, you can add as many as your device allows
-Lollipop, and Classic Side Icon notification styles

2. Things you can customize on the Lock Screen
-Adding Multiple app Widgets for 6 Profiles: default, music, location, time, wifi, bluetooth
-Locker screen sliding gesture actions with 4 directions (Up, Down, Left, Right) X 2 fingers
-Double/Triple Tap to turn off screen and other shortcut actions
-More than 30 custom shortcuts your can set to launch apps, direct call, direct sms
-Security PIN/Pattern for shortcuts and unlock with AutoSelfie if unlock PIN

Features for Free version:
1. Things you can see from the Lock Screen:
-6 Lock Screen Profiles: default, music, location, time, wifi, bluetooth
-All resizable and moveable app Widgets, you can add up to 2 widgets for each profile
-Lollipop, and Classic Side Icon notification styles

2. Things you can customize on the Lock Screen
-Preset your own location default, music, location, time, wifi, bluetooth
-5 Unlock Style: Simple Unlock, Gesture Unlock, Fingerprint Unlock(Samsung Galaxy Series only), Ring Unlock, Triangle Unlock..
-Security PIN/Pattern for shortcuts and unlock with AutoSelfie if unlock PIN (one PIN can be set for Free version)
-Volume Rocker Control, long press to play/skip (next/prev) music.
-Block statusbar, hide statusbar clock and icons, disable statusbar alerts, hide navigation bar (Root access required)
-Full Screen (hide the status bar...)
-Lock screen Wallpaper/Live Wallpaper
-Screen timeout
-Unlock sound, screen off sound
-And many other customizations

Screen Shots

Additional information

Updated dأ©cembre 8, 2015
Installs 10,000 - 5,000
Size 5,1MB
Requires Android Android 4.1 and up
Offered By astoncheah










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الساعة الآن 08:55 PM.

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