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قديم 12-18-2014, 04:02 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
مروان ساهر
مميز ذهبي
عضو لديه أكثر من 400 مشاركةعضو لديه أكثر من 400 مشاركةعضو لديه أكثر من 400 مشاركةعضو لديه أكثر من 400 مشاركة

التسجيل: Nov 2014
العضوية: 1522
المشاركات: 2,698 [+]
بمعدل : 0.71 يوميا
اخر زياره : [+]
مروان ساهر غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي تحميل لعبة الجولف بجرافيك خرافي Golf Star™ v2.2.6 Android

Golf Starâ„¢ v2.2.6

Please update to the latest version to avoid any issues in enjoying the Career Mode.

Experience the most vivid game of golf ever!

Introducing Golf Starâ„¢, the greatest golf game youll ever play, featuring realistic graphics, golfing techniques mastered by the pros, and a simulation powered by real physics-based gameplay. Play with golfers from all over the world!

* Game size optimized (2.5 GB -> 780 MB)

This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay real money for extra items.

You can play in English,Deutsch, Franأ§ais,

Stunning Graphics and True-to-Life Golf Physics!
- Golf Star features stunningly beautiful graphics unlike anything youve ever seen before.
- Experience the exhilaration of being on a real golf course!
- Terrain height, ball impact angle, wind, temperature, humidity, and up to 70 other factors implemented to perfectly capture the physics of a real swing.

Various Skills and Techniques
- Weve captured the skills and techniques of real-life pro golfers.
- Become a pro golfer and choose from up to 10 techniques to use, including draw shots, fade shots, and chip shots.

3 Different Game Modes
- Career Mode: Play Single Player rounds and Quests, or compete in the NPC Tournament.
- 1:1 Match Mode: Compete against golfers from all around the world.
- Online Match Mode: Play against up to 10 other players online in a real-time competition. Sweep the online competition!

Weekly Rankings Against Friends
- Add friends to compete against them.
- Climb to the top of the rankings to hold a trophy in your arms!

Golf Tournaments!
- Play a new tournament every week and win prizes.
- Become the worlds greatest Pro Golfer, and achieve the Grand Slam.

Unique Characters
- Collect fun outfits and accessories. With 3 different characters, you can show off your unique style to friends.

Com2uS: Your first search for fun!
Check out these other exciting games by Com2uS!

(Ace Fishing: Wild Catch)Fish for real in Paradise!
(Knights N Squires)A nonstop RPG Action thrill-ride!
(9 Innings: 2013 Pro Baseball)The Ultimate Baseball game!
(Wizcraft) Prepare for a magical battle of epic proportions!



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الساعة الآن 08:59 PM.

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