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قديم 08-22-2016, 09:18 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي EfficientPIM Pro 5.22 Build 524.Multilingual + Portable

EfficientPIM Pro 5.22 Build 524 Multilingual + Portable | 48.42 MB
EfficientPIM Pro - is a powerful full-featured Personal Information Manager (PIM), supplemented by modules: notes, reminders in the form of "sticky notes" on the screen; manager bookmarking favorite internet browser and password manager with a password generator. All this, together assembled in the form of contacts, appointments, tasks, lists, "said than done", anniversaries and birthdays relatives and friends of people and things, make your life more productive and successful, and work more organized and efficient. And how good it is, With EfficientPIM all of the things that you need to manage are located in one, easy-to-use interface.

Software Features:

All-In-One PIM software
* EfficientPIM is a professional All-In-One PIM software program (Personal Information Manager). It can manage your contacts, appointments, tasks, diaries, notes, passwords, or any other information you need access to.

Multiple Interface Styles
* 8 interface styles are provided to meet your individual needs! They have various tones of color like blue, green or metallic, and have Vista standard and XP standard windows appearances separately.

Easy to Use
* As powerful as the software is, it is also easy to use! Finding your information will be quicker and easier than ever before. Consistent operation interfaces for different features in this software make it simple to operate.

Easy to Search
* EfficientPIM has powerful search capabilities so you can quickly find your information.

Powerful Document Editor
* EfficientPIM has embedded a powerful document editor similar to MS-Word, which can be used to write your diary, memos, notes, remarks, and a variety of other documents.

Card View
* You can browse information such as contacts and tasks in card view.

Contacts Management
* Reflecting a people-oriented management philosophy, in addition to recording the information of your contacts, you can also track the events, appointments, tasks and diary related to them to enhance your personal network.

Password Management
* EfficientPIM provides you with a powerful way to manage all of your passwords. The password manager can help you record and find all your passwords. From now on, you only need to remember one password!

Desktop Notes
* You can "stick" information on the computer desktop directly! At a glance you can see the information that is important to you.

Information Safety Safeguards
* There is a Recycle Bin in this software, you do not need to be worried that you may delete some important information by mistake. The functions of Backup and Restore can help you conveniently save and migrate data. The software stores all sensitive information, such as passwords, in encrypted format.

Download link:
Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction

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