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قديم 06-24-2016, 02:04 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي تحميل لانشر الرائع Swift Dark CM12 - CM13 Theme v3.0.4 للأندرويد

Hexlock Premium App Lock & Photo Vault v1.8.4.39

Overview: Swift Dark is a popular dark theme with constant support and frequent updates. The theme is compatible with devices running CyanogenMod version 12, 12.1 and 13.0 (CM12/CM12.1/CM13) or similar roms with the theme engine included.

New!! Swift Dark now includes a black alternative. You use an app called Arcus to install it and after install itll work just like a normal theme

Swift Dark is a popular cm theme for the CM12 / CM12.1 / CM13 / COS theme engine, with constant support and frequent updates. It takes whats best with the beautiful Android design and gently darkens it. If you prefer a dark theme, with the material design intact and with an elegant and stylish touch, this theme is for you. Always reboot after updating the theme.

Question: There are issues with my notifications after updating the theme, for exemple dark text on a dark background, or a light text on a light background.
Answer: A reboot will fix this. Sometimes resources get "stuck" when switching themes. Like the notification text color in this case. By rebooting you force the system to reload all resources. This is a theme engine bug, not a theme one.

Question: Play Store is not themed after updating the theme.
Answer: This is due to Play Store having trouble picking up the theme resources after an update. A reboot will fix this.

Question: Can you theme Telegram
Answer: No. Telegram colors are all set in the java code, which means they are hardcoded and cant be changed.

Question: Will you add support for CM14
Answer: Yes. I will add support for CM14 as soon as its released and theme engine is implemented. There is obviously no time frame as of now.

Important notice about ROM support
The theme fully supports CM and COS12.1 / COS13 ( Cyanogen OS ). Custom ROMs with the CyanogenMod theme engine included, for exemple Dirty Unicorns and Resurrection Remix, are supported but there might be issues as I cant keep track of all commits everywhere. Arcus is not supported in this theme as I want to keep it as clean, stable and lightweight as possible.

Whats New: v.3.0.4 Black theme: Updates to Twitter, Hangouts & Settings. Dont forget to rebuild the theme in Arcus. Dark theme: Updates to Nova, Google Now, Trebuchet and Twitter. For a full changelog visit the Google Plus community. Link is in the app description. v.3.0.3 Swift Black! You now have the option to switch between the original dark theme and this new awesome black theme. You use Arcus to install it, and it works just like a normal theme. More info in the Play Store description.






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