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قديم 07-05-2016, 10:49 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
مروان ساهر
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التسجيل: Nov 2014
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المنتدى : الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية
افتراضي تطبيق مدير الملفات File Commander - File Manager v3.8.14444 للأندرويد

File Commander - File Manager v3.8.14444 (Premium)


Take control over your files! File Commander is a complete file manager that allows you to handle any file on your Android device via a clean and intuitive interface. You can also separately handle libraries of pictures, music, videos, documents, as well as rename, delete, move, zip and send with just a few taps.

The latest version takes full advantage of Android 6 Marshmallow, complete with an optional login profile that can save your settings across devices, new Secure Mode that can hide and encrypt your files from other users, and a Storage Analyzer to see exactly whas eating into your storage space, and where.

LIBRARIES – Find any and every file in seconds
- *NEW* Login profile can save your app settings and personalizations across devices
- Easily list your files by type no matter where they are
- Libraries for all your Music, Picture, and Video files, along with new sections for Archives and Documents
- Sort your files by location: Cloud accounts, network addresses, local files, and Downloads
- Easily manage external storage such as microSD cards and USB drives (if supported)

REMOTE FILE ACCESS AND SHARING – Get to your files from anywhere

- *NEW* PC File Transfer – Now you are able to manage your files and folders even easier directly from your PC > Check out how it works: https://youtu.be/03JYXQeF3iw
- You can now access Windows/Samba based local network locations, FTP/FTPS servers, and Remote shares (for Sony Xperia devices).
- Get it on the cloud with Google Drive, DropBox, Box, Amazon Cloud Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and SugarSync
- Link up with nearby devices via Bluetooth and WiFi Direct
- Share files easily using a wide range of sending options

FILE AND FOLDER MANAGEMENT – Powerful tools put desktop-grade features in your pocket

- Fully-customizable Homescreen with quick access tiles
- Find on-device files quickly with local search options
- Manage your files with cut, copy, paste, rename, and compress operations
- Quickly pick up where you left off using the Recent files feature
- Send time-consuming file operations to the background so you can continue working


- *NEW* Secure Mode lets you hide and encrypt your files and folders, making them invisible outside of File Commander
- At-a-glance view of all your files and folders using the Storage Analyzer
- Bookmark your files and folders
- Recycle Bin so you can delete and restore files
- Access to hidden files and folders
- Ad-free



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